EHPS and Schools Safety and Climate Plan

The East Hartford Public Schools community is committed to creating and maintaining a physically, emotionally, and intellectually safe educational environment. East Hartford Public Schools has developed a Safe School Climate Plan, consistent with State Law and Board of Education Bullying Prevention and Intervention.

As a district we will ensure a positive social and emotional climate for all students, staff, and families in every school across the district. The following are the action strategies the district engages in:

  1. Assure consistency of implementation of the National School Climate Standards established by the National School Climate Council
  2. Assure consistency of implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) using Scientific Research-Based Intervention/Response to Intervention (SRBI/RtI) model
  3. Review of Discipline Management Systems/Administrative Guidelines
  4. Define, improve and increase parent engagement

For more information contact:
District Safe School Climate Coordinator
Craig Outhouse, Ed.D., Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Phone: (860) 622-5110
Email: [email protected]

The District Climate Plan encompases all of the individual School Climate Plans. Below are East Hartford Public Schools Climate Specialists and the individual Safe School Climate Plans:

Connecticut IB Academy

Robert Spiller, Guidance Counselor
Phone: (860) 622-5570
Email: [email protected]
CIBA Safe School Climate Plan

East Hartford High School

Edward Lavoie, First Assistant Principal
Phone: (860) 622-5200
Email: [email protected]
EHHS Safe School Climate Plan

East Hartford Middle School

Deborah Houghton, Assistant Principal
Phone: (860) 622-5611
Email: [email protected]
EHMS Safe School Climate Plan

Goodwin School

Daniel Brodeur, Principal
Phone: (860) 622-5420
Email: [email protected]
Goodwin Safe School Climate Plan

Hockanum School

Renee Byers, Principal
Phone: (860) 622-5440
Email: [email protected]
Hockanum Safe School Climate Plan

Langford School

Cynthia Callahan, Principal
Phone: (860) 622-5700
Email: [email protected]
Langford Safe School Climate Plan

Mayberry School

Joseph LeRoy, Principal
Phone: (860) 622-5720
Email: [email protected]
Mayberry Safe School Climate Plan

Norris School

Corrie Schram, Principal
Phone: (860) 622-5740
Email: [email protected]
Norris Safe School Climate Plan

O'Brien School

Talisha Foy, Principal
Phone: (860) 622-5771
Email: [email protected]
O'Brien Safe School Climate Plan

O'Connell School

Melinda Grunert, Assistant Principal
Phone: (860) 622-5462
Email: [email protected]
O'Connell Safe School Climate Plan

Pitkin School

Beatrice Corrado, Principal
Phone: (860) 622-5480
Email: [email protected]
Pitkin Safe School Climate Plan

Silver Lane School

Sarah Chmielecki, Principal
Phone: (860) 622-5500
Email: [email protected]
Silver Lane Safe School Climate Plan

Sunset Ridge School

Maria Malfa, Psychologist
Phone: (860) 622-5810
Email: [email protected]
Sunset Ridge Safe School Climate Plan

Synergy Alternative High School

Brittaney Thomas, Social Worker
Phone: (860) 622-5999
Email: [email protected]
Synergy Safe School Climate Plan

Woodland School

Jasmine Mendez, Social Worker
Phone: (860) 622-5914
Email: [email protected]
Woodland Safe School Climate Plan