East Hartford Public Schools Department of Facilities manages a portfolio of 18 buildings totaling over 1.3 million square feet on 205 acres of land with a team of Custodians, Building Maintainers, Campus Safety Officers, Tradesman, and a large network of contractors.
Our Vision:
To create high quality and inspirational educational environments for our community.
Our Mission:
To continually improve the facilities we manage by deploying resources in a well-planned and efficient manner to maximize value to those we serve.
The core functions of the Department include:
- Daily cleaning, maintenance, and repair
- 24/7 response to building maintenance emergencies
- Identifying building issues and potential improvements
- Creation and analysis of yearly Operating Budgets
- Managing building systems to provide optimal comfort and performance
- Engineering and planning solutions and upgrades
- Daily security guard services
- Creation and ongoing improvement of School Specific All-Hazard Plans
- Planning and executing Crisis Response Drills
- Engaging and managing vendors and contractors
- Managing government required environmental programs
- Assessing, planning, budgeting, and managing Capital Improvement Projects
We strive to exceed the expectations of the community and welcome feedback that will help us improve our service delivery. E-mail or call (860) 622-5950 to speak with one of our staff.