Pupil Personnel Services / Special Education

Mission Statement:

The Mission of Special Education is to educate students through rigorous instruction and excellent related services. Children who have an IEP are taught in a wide variety of settings from the least restrictive environment (general education classroom) to the most restrictive environment (homebound or hospital instruction), with integrated co teaching as part of the continuum of services.

Vision Statement:

East Hartford Public Schools is committed to educating every child, every day. We believe that children with an Individual Education Program (IEP) will succeed academically and will develop socially and emotionally to become competent and confident members of society.


ChildFind is a component of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act that requires each state to develop a statewide system for identifying, locating and evaluating all children with disabilities, ages birth to the child’s 22nd birthday.

If you suspect that your child may have a disability a referral is made to your child’s school to determine eligibility for special education services. A Planning and Placement Team (PPT) will meet and design a comprehensive evaluation to determine eligibility for services. As the parent, you must consent to the evaluation. If your child is determined eligible for special education, an Individual Education Program (IEP) is developed by the PPT to meet your child’s individual needs. The PPT will meet at least annually to review your child’s progress and make adjustments to the IEP as necessary. Parents are an important member of the PPT and are encouraged to participate.

Parents or guardians of children ages 3-22 who believe that their child may have a disability or require special education services may contact the building principal and/or the district Pupil Personnel Services office.



Dr. Craig Outhouse
Director of Pupil Personnel Services
[email protected]
Work: 860.622.5900
Work Fax: 

Francheska Betancourt
Executive Secretary
[email protected]
Work: 860.622.5110
Work Fax: 860.622.5111

Brenda Lazu
[email protected]
Work: 860.622.5110

Britney Whitworth
Senior Operations Analyst
[email protected]
Work: 860.622.5110