Thrive Newsletter: March 2023
Posted on 03/03/2023
Thrive students learn about Rosa Parks

As we head into March, we celebrate the successful learning opportunities thus far, and look ahead to the remainder of the school year as opportunities to help students thrive.

There is no Thrive AfterSchool Program On:

  • March 13 - Early Dismissal for Professional Development

  • March 14-16 - Early Dismissal for Parent/Teacher Conferences


Thrive Summer Program will run Monday through Friday, July 5 through August 4. Time depends on site location.

  • April 19: Enrollment for the Thrive Summer Programs at ECLC (preK) and Langford (K-5) will be available via PowerSchool

  • April 28: Enrollment confirmations will be sent via emaiI

More information to follow. 


  • April 19: Priority enrollment opens via PowerSchool 

  • April 26: General enrollment opens via PowerSchool

  • April 28: Enrollment confirmations will be sent via email Students who are currently attending program or waitlisted for the 2022-2023 school year will have priority access to enrollment. Enrollment for the Thrive Afterschool Program is required annually for all students.

More information to follow. 

THRIVE SPOTLIGHT: Celebrating Black History Month

In recognition of Black History Month, Thrive sites spent time learning about notable figures, different inventions, and tales of individuals who persevered through adversity.

Did you know the three-color stop light was invented by Garrett Morgan? Students at Silver Lane and O'Connell East learned how the stop light transitioned from two-colors (red and green) to the three colors we use today. This change helps to reduce traffic accidents by warning motorists they need to stop soon. Patented in 1923, it is the design we still use today -- 100 years later!

O'Connell East students had a potato chip taste test! An African American chef in the 1800's, George Crum is credited as the creator of the potato chip, a snack many of us enjoy to this day!

Many sites read about Rosa Parks, an American activist for civil rights. Refusing to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks became known as "the mother of the freedom movement".

All sites participated in many activities to learn about and celebrate Black History Month.