Student Achievement During Pandemic

Student Achievement Growth Up at EHPS Despite Pandemic Lows
Posted on 09/29/2022
Mayberry students

In a year of challenges for students everywhere, our students in East Hartford showed unprecedented growth. Statewide student performance data shows that East Hartford Public Schools was one of the districts with the least amount of learning loss during the 2021-2022 school year.

“I think this was a time where there could have a been a lot of excuses and instead of making excuses, there was a conscious decision to work together. As a result, we lead the state in closing a pandemic learning loss,” said Superintendent Nathan Quesnel. “I’m very proud to see that our students continue to grow.”

The data looks at how students performed in high-stakes assessments such as the Smarter Balance Assessment (SBAC) and the SAT compared to previous years.

For example, SBAC results show East Hartford’s growth rate was above the state average in both ELA and Math. In math, EHPS students demonstrated the highest growth we’ve seen since 2015.

In the area of Percent Target Achieved, which is the average percentage of the growth target achieved across all students, EHPS students performed at their highest levels in both ELA and Math since SBAC testing began.

While presenting this data to the Board of Education, Assistant Superintendent Elsie Torres said she attributes this growth to the district’s consistency, rigorous curricula and urgency.

She said, “Here in East Hartford, we just know that our kids can. Our kids can, period. And it’s our job and our responsibility, and my passion, to ensure that all students have the necessary skills to be successful.”