Community Update on Mask Mandate Removal for Buses
Posted on 02/26/2022
School bus

Dear East Hartford Community,

I apologize for the flurry of messages as we work to keep you informed of evolving guidance from state and national regulatory agencies.

Yesterday, as was widely reported by the media, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) announced that it is relaxing its mask guidance for communities where hospitals are not under high strain. East Hartford and nearly 70% of the U.S. now qualify as areas of low or medium risk. Based on this new guidance, residents are advised they can go indoors without masks.

Additionally, the CDC modified guidance that previously mandated students to wear masks on school buses. As such, starting on Monday, February 28th, 2022, students in East Hartford will no longer be required to wear a mask when riding the bus to and from school.

Please note that due to ongoing mandates from the Federal Government impacting the ECLC, all students and staff at our ECLC must continue to wear a mask until further notice.

We appreciate your continued support as we keep our children, faculty and community safe.

Nathan Quesnel


East Hartford Public Schools