EHHS Teacher Wins UConn Alumni Award
EHHS Spanish Teacher Wins UConn Neag School Alumni Award
Posted on 03/11/2024
East Hartford High School (EHHS) Spanish Teacher Amber Dickey has been awarded the 2024 Outstanding School Educator Award from the UConn Neag School of Education. Each year, the Neag School and its Alumni Board recognize eight graduates at their annual Alumni Awards Celebration. Dickey was among those honored at the 2024 celebration held on Saturday, March 9.
Dickey is a graduate of the Neag School’s foreign language education master’s program. She first joined EHHS as a student teacher in 2015 where she quickly recognized the need for heritage Spanish speakers to have the opportunity to take courses that met their specific language needs, explained East Hartford Public Schools Supervisor of World Language, EL and Bilingual Programs Elizabeth Peczuh.
Once hired as a full-time teacher in 2017, she advocated for the addition of Heritage courses, wrote curricula and created a 3-year course sequence.
“I have always been impressed with Amber’s maturity, commitment to meet the needs of all students, and relentless spirit, “said Peczuh. “Her students benefited from her commitment to them.”
“I'm a firm believer that it takes a village; this program would not be possible without my department's continued advocacy and collaboration in identifying students, our students' hard work and dedication in the classroom, our families' support of and trust in the work we do, guidance's continued efforts to schedule students appropriately ... the list goes on and on!” said Amber Dickey.
She said, “This award is not only a reflection of my own work, but more importantly a testament to the entire Hornet community's commitment to doing what's best for our students, day after day.”
Read more: UConn Today: Eight Neag School Alumni Honored at 26th Annual Awards Celebration