East Hartford Public Schools strives to provide accurate and effective communication with members of the public, regardless of their level of English proficiency. It is the policy of the East Hartford Public Schools to take reasonable steps to overcome language barriers to East Hartford Public Schools' programs or activities, at no cost to the limited English proficient (LEP) individual.
Please let us know if you have trouble understanding English or need help communicating with the East Hartford Public Schools. Ask for an interpreter or whether translated material is made available when you contact us. If you can, please tell us your language (or dialect).
A parent or guardian does not have to be limited in all areas of communication, -- reading, speaking, listening, or writing -- in order to get an interpreter or translated documents. We will respect your request for an interpreter or translator if you believe your English skills are limited in any of those areas.
The person responsible for handling requests for language assistance is Maria (Lety) Bell, (860) 983-3063, [email protected].